
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Running a possibly unreasonable amount of kilometres.....

I am running 50km as part of RUN 143 ( www.run143. com) - tomorrow, July 12. Or I should say, I am going to ATTEMPT to run 50 km tomorrow....
I haven't trained, I wasn't thinking about it til today and I almost didn't bring my running stuff- but I did. And now I know why.

I am running tomorrow because we have few runners this year and injuries are rearing their heads....Pray for my sister whose hip decided to give her trouble today...I sent her home with stretches:) One of our friends could potentially be out on the highway by herself and she needs company.

I am running tomorrow because- why not?! I am certainly not going to injure myself intentionally but I believe 100 percent in what we are doing!! There are VERY few organizations on Canada to provide financial support for families who are adopting. And we are privileged to be able to. I also have so much gratitude for those people who respond to the call for caring for the vulnerable, - those who love the little ones who have, for some reason or another, been separated from their first families. I am running for the baby homes we are supporting.

And I am running because I am a mom. When you have children, either by birth or through adoption ( I have both:)) there are times when you are unable to ease their burdens by yourself, unable to make all things right in their world and unable to be there when they need you. I recognize that all of my children are God's And HE is the one who can do all things. When your children are halfway across the world waiting, there are many things I can't do but I can run. I can share the story of the family we are running for as I run. I can share my personal story of why I run to promote adoption and orphan care and the beautiful importance of setting the lonely in families.

So, wish me luck! It is crazy....AND I need your help. This a total last minute decisions and I would love to have your support...
1. Pray for me AND my daughter who is going to join me for a lag (8km)
2. Head on over to and donate. Honestly, every dollar is a generous gift!!!
3. For each of you who have welcomed a child or are preparing to welcome a child into your home, give thanks to God!!! Families are awesome....

See you on the road tomorrow,

Ps. in 2 weeks, we have a friend who is running ( and has been training!!) an ultra marathon to bless our family as we bring home our three boys!!! so stay tuned and I will share more after this event about 3for3. God is at work.....

1 comment:

  1. It's incredible what God can do with hearts that collectively believe in the care for orphans and who are passionate about adoption! Together, as one team, all of these participants of Run 143 - the runners, support crew members, donors and beyond - support these reasons for running/supporting Run 143. It's great what a team effort can do for the good of mankind and God's Kingdom!
