
Friday, July 19, 2013

Beginning with prayer...

I am sitting at the airport waiting to begin the first part of my travels . And although I am more than ready to meet our children, it is so hard to be away from my children here at home. And think because I am travelling alone for the first part of the trip, it always feels different too. So to begin my posts as we start this - what is going to to be an epic and life altering journey - I would like to ask for you prayers...I have a few of them and if you are a praying person, if you would let me know which request you are praying for, I would love to have each and everyone covered specifically for the time we are away. So here they are...

1. For protection and general health for Riley & I as we travel and for our kids at home. There are plenty of new bugs in Ethiopia and I would rather not have to use all of the medicines I brought!

2. For my oldest son- many of you know he has diabetes and he has had an insulin pump for the last 3 months. This is the first time his grandma and grandpa have taken care of him while he is on the pump. Pray for my son- that this blood sugar numbers would be stable...they have been on the high end today already...of course it has to start this way:(Pray for my parents as they help him manage it. And pray for me, his momma....this is a hard one for me. He is a superstar though and does so much for himself!!!

3. For my kiddos at home...they are amazing and are so excited to meet their new brothers!! But they miss us all being together. Pray for peace and joy for each of them and that they would make some incredible memories in the days coming up. Riley emailed them this morning with this...

I hope you have been having a good week with mom! I know that today will probably be a tough day for each of you & mom, so take a deep breath, remember that you love each other, and bless each other to be & do what God wants of us over the next couple weeks. God does this - gathers us together and then spreads us out a bit, but always brings us back together. That's the way He wants us & His church to be. So I know its tough, but you are also showing a big part of God's heart. And when He brings us back together, its family vacation time!- love, daddy

Amen. And I pray that they would know even more, the love of God during this time we are away!

4. Pray for our 3 beautiful boys we are privileged to soon call our sons...They have had many experiences and memories in their beautiful African country. And this, although it may be exciting, will not be an easy time for them. They, in a few short months, will be leaving their friends, people who speak their language fluently, their country. I can't imagine....we have been praying that God would be preparing their hearts for one of the biggest changes of their lives. The He would make Himself known even more to them in the days to come. And that they would be receptive to us and that there would be a very special connection in the next few days.

5. Pray for Riley and I. We have had a very hectic July with some incredible things. RUN143 was amazing and God blessed it extravagantly...Riley was able to still do some of His trip which He has been enjoying immensely..We have had my parents down to begin renos ( which now have to hurry up after we get home!!) . And I have been working a few more days than usual to put more money away:) But in the midst of that, we have not had a lot of time together. Thank goodness for cell phones, email, FaceTime and Skype... Pray that amidst this journey and lovely craziness, that God would continue to strengthen our marriage and love for each other and His people. I think...just a hunch...we are stepping into and will get to see something much bigger than just our adoption journey. Although this is pretty big:)

This is getting really apologies:) But one more thing...I am so thankful for the opportunity to know many of you as friends!! We are beyond amazed at the community we have been given through our family, friends, church, new and old adoption community, and work. God is at work and we are blessed to be a part of it...

Thanks for praying. We have seen God answer prayer and it has blown our thanks.

Love and blessings, Candra


  1. Just logged in to see this new update!! Yay for this exciting step in this adventure. I will pray for your kiddos at home, that they would know God's love surrounding them and carrying them - love the note that Riley sent to them. Beautiful! Praying that your whole family may soon be united together and enjoy making many new memories and spending time together!!

  2. Praying in agreement with you for all of these requests and asking especially for an extra portion of strength in your marriage bond. May He grant you precious moments together and glimpses of eachother amidst the exciting times ahead. And may your entire family be blessed in turn by your strengthened relationship.

  3. Praying for your 3 new sons, as they have tremendous transition ahead of them. And praying about the time you will be spending with them in Ethiopia, and for a connection & bond to begin to form already.
