
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Another visit and shopping...

Yesterday was a really good day. And it was an answer to prayer. The evening before I had hit a bit of a wall. I miss my kids like crazy at home. I am still getting used to the culture here and I had a moment of " what did we just get ourselves into?"   Don't know about any of you but this was a regular occurrence each time we decided to expand our family. except this time it hit me a lot stronger- probably because we have three more sons, all that express their own thoughts, opinions and have developed their own personalities. so needless to say, when I woke up yesterday morning, I was quite exhausted from the lack of sleep, thoughts about the future etc.
We went to the orphanage in the morning and I quickly stole Henok away as he has been asking to play games on my iPad. He is probably the most connected to his friends so it was good to have a bit of one on one time with him...for about 2 minute! within about 10 minutes, all his friends were there and they all were taking turns playing. it was good to have some slower time with him and here him interacting with his friends. Riley then came in. With the other 2 boys and Mikias started to get a little impatient ( probably because he is just 5!) so we went out to play Lego. I chased him around as he flew his airplane and drove his truck).We landed back in the living room and it was just the five of us...We were able to talk some more with them and Henok understood wet a bit. he can read English so I wrote where we were from and they wrote out all their names in Amharic ( which I promptly took pictures of!) And...I found out 2 of them are left handed- that makes three in our house! Mikias drew pictures for about 20 minutes, and while he was doing that- was copying everything I was saying in English! They all could remember the names of their brothers and sisters and Henok asked when they were coming to Canada. It was good just to hang out quietly with them and get to know them a bit answer to prayer. it gave me a little more confidence that I can possibly parent three more boys:)
In the afternoon, us and our new friends, Sarah and Jaime ( who just passed court to bring home their son-7 years old!) went our shopping. Markos, our driver was awesome and we were able to stop at several places that were not just stores but also benefiting / empowering those that worked there.  we also stopped at the silver market where we bought a few things and listened to a lively bartering session between Markos and the shop keeper! we headed to the lime tree for supper and its was wonderful...back to Afroland for a quiet evening...
and then I got sick...not horribly but enough to make sure ai stayed close to our accommodations today...SO Riley is at Abenezer today having some daddy time with the boys- and I am true to be OK with that and not feel guilty:) It is good to have some quiet just to reflect and slow down...
well, this is a bit drawn out but thanks for taking the time to read...

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