
Monday, November 17, 2014

on living life...

"We want to live life, not be distracted by it"
It is too easy to be distracted...To just pound out the daily grind- work, chores, activities for the kids, laundry, pack lunches, tv, time with friends, go to bed at an unreasonable hour and then get up at an unreasonable hour and do it all again. 

Life is not long enough to just do this every day our life. At least not for me. As a couple & as a family we want to be available and ready for opportunities that God calls us too. We want to be willing and ready to risk to do things that much of the world may see as crazy. And we want to courage our kids and others around us to do this same. To not get caught in pursuing only things of this world- but to pursue things, relationships and opportunities that allow us to be active & invested followers of Christ. When we do this, we must trust God and put our whole hope in Him because really, there is no other way when you are willing to risk for His sake. 

Many of you now know (read earlier posts) that we are expanding our family again through adoption! If you would have asked me 11 years ago, before we had any children, if we would have 7+, I probably would have thought that it wouldn't be our family. But if you ask me now, it makes sense. Sometimes. Other times, it is just crazy but still is right. We thought we were done at 7:)  But a whisper is all it takes if you are listening... And we both were. 

This is absolutely the most surprised we have been to start an adoption. An eighth child! From a practical perspective, there is lots- most noticeably finances- that need to fall into place. But we are confident in His provision. It is hard to doubt when God has shown us time and time again that He is with us. This means we also have to do our part and already God has given us each some additional work opportunities. 

We have also been surprised at the support of our community and how excited they are for us. It has given affirmation that we are not as crazy as we sometimes think! Well, maybe we are but we love it! 

Risking and loving for His sake- even when it is crazy hard and you feel like giving up, or feel like no one completely understands, or you are utterly exhausted- is worth it. I have 7 living examples living under my roof right now. It is a long road that twists and turns but the redemptive work that God continues to do in the lives of each of our children and us is a reminder that He uses me right where I am at. And that adding another child to our family is a privilege- we get to continue living life by pursuing things after God's heart rather than being distracted by all the other stuff in our lives! 

 Blessings ,

 PS if you are one to pray, we would ask that you join us in praying for: 

1. The heart of our newest child. That even now, God would be preparing them for a new family.
2. Our homestudy is done but now begins it's winding route to our agency. Pray that this would be done quickly. We are hoping before Christmas! 
3. Pray for provision financially. An international process is a significant cost and at times, can seem very daunting!
Thanks so much for your prayers. They are invaluable!