Today was a big least in my mind it was. Riley was not nervous at all but I was. We were able to take the boys out for lunch today. Because of the policy of our agency, we aren't usually able to take the kids out of the orphanage but Elsa was ok with it, probably because we are in a bit of a unique situation. They were ready to go when we got there, but none of the nannies had any knowledge that we were taking them out! So after a bit of discussion, we got it all worked out. I sat with all three boys in the back of the car on the way to the restaurant. They were very quiet and the 2 younger ones were very interested in what was going on outside. 'Mekina' everywhere! They do not differentiate on what type of vehicle it is- they are all mekina:)
We made it to the restaurant and luckily it was pretty quiet. Cokes and fantas were the drinks of choice. They had all said they wanted tibs, which is an Ethiopian beef dish. So we ordered that. But when the waiter came to take our order, he said they also wanted French fries. Great! That is what they got, and I am pretty sure they enjoyed that more than the tibs. And the ketchup. They definitely liked the ketchup. We surprised them with chocolate cake for dessert which they ate every last bite of. They seemed pleased and full, but not overly full. They left some of the food on the plate, so I hope that is good sign as they did not feel the need to eat everything in sight... We drove them back to the orphanage, and I think maybe all three were carsick. They were not still and they were looking in every direction so I think it affected them a little bit:) It was a good first outing.

The afternoon was nice and relaxed and I got to spend some time with Riley. We walked to get some pictures printed, grab some Ethiopian spices, shiro and tef flour ( I will try to make injera:)). On the way back we stopped at Kaldi's, which is the Ethoipian version of Starbucks. But the coffee...oh the coffee. So good. I am not a coffee drinker but in Ethiopia I am a coffee drinker. A macchiato or just a coffee with cane sugar. It is my happy place. It was so good just to take a few moments with my husband and soak in the experience. It has not gone like we thought it would but it is still good. We are where we are supposed to be at this moment in time. And there is no one I would rather be on this adventure with than Riley. He is absolutely hands down my best friend, he can speak wisdom and calmness to me like no other, he is a great leader and he makes me laugh. I love being his wife. So being in Kaldi's, enjoying was an great moment of just being in Ethiopia:)
We headed back to the guesthouse and hung out with the families in the courtyard. A family that is there from Edmonton invited us to go out for Indian food with them. We will never pass down an opportunity to eat Indian food. It is in our top three cuisines! It was a bit expensive but really, when it is just 2 of us, it does not feel expensive so we just enjoyed...came home to some emails from our princess and little man at home. It made us laugh and smile. They are all doing so well at home and we are so thankful for mom. She is an amazing woman who loves her grandchildren and they love her back!!! I am so thankful that it has been going well....
Sleep came easily tonight. And tomorrow begins my last day in Ethiopia - that seems so strange and I am grieving it already. Although, as Riley hugged me tonight his words were.."love, we've got a good 60 years left together...we will be back." S onto our final day together in this beautiful African country...
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