
Sunday, January 30, 2011

A good day...

I wrote this Friday night...

Today I was home. Home from work. Didn't leave the house once. Somtimes these kind of days drive me stir crazy but today was not one of these days. This morning I was blessed to have coffee with a great friend and her two wonderful and goreous little girls. They older ones played wonderfully while we had tea amidst apple juice, dollies, and goldfish crackers. i love that it doesn't phase me anymore. This is just part of the privilege of me being a mom; the noise, the giggles, along with the pouting & whining and the snacks...the never ending snacks!  I swept up after they left, having no guilt in not mopping for who knows how long.... the afternoon is quiet time - always quiet time. The little two still nap which is a dream! The older two play quietly, read books or watch TV. And it is time for me to rejuvenate a little. Today it included three freshly cleaned bathrooms, doing some accounting for our build, having my last watermelon perrier and doing a couple loads of laundry....Not always am I that task oriented. I do like a good book.

Everyone wakes up around 3:30 and then the action begins again! Snacks, playing and laughter (& often some crying!) are common around here. I sometimes feel like a short oder cook!  Today we switched things up a bit with a dance party in the kitchen while we were prepping supper.  I don't think Jude knew what to do, but was bouncing by the end! We also baked a favorite of Riley's = banana chocolate chip coffee cake. He was out working on the house today on his day off and we thought that this would be a great surprise. We were right!  Supper rolled around and now I had my niece and nephew here for a sleepover...six kids and me. It was awesome! They play so well and we had a great supper together eating Maple Chicken curry penne - a family favorite.

Amidst all this my son came up to me and said "mom, you are the greatest mom ever"! Melt my heart. Being a mom is worth every moment of every matter how hard it gets. When you hear words like that, you know you are doing something right.

from the summer...hiking with friends @ Silverstar!
With supper done, everyone was off to play so a quick clean of the kitchen and time to hang out with my little ones. This time of night is always a guess, whether they will be super happy or tired and ready for bed. Tonight it was one of each! We got everyone off to bed and then, quite possibly one of my favorite moments of each day. Silence. I try not to have anything to do, other than maybe pack lunches. It is time to rest, hang out with my man, read and reflect on the day. A good day.

It is so easy to pick the day apart. What didn't go right. What I did wrong as a mom & wife & friend. What I could do better. What didn't get done that should have. I am learning (and think I am doing a better job) of leaving each day as it is. If you look. sometimes it takes some effort. There is ALWAYS goodness, joy and beauty in the day.

And today there was.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Great Things

Great things...this is a pretty vague title for a blog post, yet is seemed completely fitting given what I want to share. Great things are hard to recognize sometimes - small everyday moments or things that we take for granted often don't make the list. We wait for that one...big...thing...which usually is only at the beginning of the lineup for the next great things. So here, if I have not confused you yet, is a list of  some of the great things that I recognized in my week this week:

1.! Presenting....

French toast made in a waffle iron. Dress it up with fruit, whip cream or just plain syrup and enjoy. Ready for 4 kids in less than 15 minutes!

2. This conversation that took place with my almost 3 year old princess:

Princess: Mommy, I like your necklace.
Me: Thank you.
Princess: I like your bracelet.
Me: Thankyou.
Princess: I like your legs.
Me: (proceed to look down and she is pointing at my spider veins). Uh...thanks sweetheart.
Princess: they are pretty.
Well...I guess it is all in perspective!

3. This warm weather
We are currently in process of building our own home. It is the generic "we" at present. My husband (who is amazing) is out in the cold putting on the floor so he can begin framing. This warm weather has sped that process up a little and made it a little more bearable for a week!

working on the study

4. Dessert
I do have weakness for desserts. Me and my kids made this for a supper this week with friends. The picture speaks for itself. yum!

death by chocolate...mmmmm

5. Running
When I get myself onto the treadmill, I love it! It is getting there that is sometimes the hard part. Anyways, we are in the beginning stages of organizing RUN143 (2nd annual)  - an ultra marathon to raise money for adoptive families & organizations  and to raise awareness about the orphans in our world. Please check out the link and consider tying up some shoes and joining us! The link is RUN143.

last year...finishing the run!

6. Dancing
I myself cannot dance but as a family, we were able to go watch my oldest at ballet practice. it was a great thing to watch her dance, and understand and perform the techniques. We all loved it! And she was stunning.


too cute

7. Date nights
They are the best....had one last night. loved it! Could have talked for hours more...marriage is a beautiful thing!

me & my best friend!

So as you can see - great things come in small and large packages and moments! Remember to find the great things in your days, weeks and months. Have a great weekend!



Sunday, January 23, 2011

9 months worth celebrating!!!

About 9 months ago, we met our son. He became an amazing part of our wonderful family and we have been capturing and loving the memories we have already created as a family of 6. 9 months is significant for me, as we have now known little man as long as we hadn't...hope that makes sense... From here on out we are gonna tip the scales even further!!

In chronological order of months, since he joined the family....

this is an extra - at his baptism!

Hope you enjoyed all the smiles....
we love you little man and looking forward to the many plans 
that God has for you as you continue to grow. love, 
mom and dad & g, m & e


Monday, January 17, 2011


So her goes a bit of a random post , but sometimes they are the most fun!

I have now officially been back at work for 2 weeks and am lovin' it! There are still some kinks to get worked out at home, mainly my task oriented nature and learning how to be a bit more relaxed. But, all in all, it has been great! Riley does the morning run before work to get all the kids to the right places - he has been so awesome and supportive...even starting the vehicle for me in the morning and even once after work. The kids have done A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. at school and daycare and even the hour after work in the car doesn't seem too bad when I get to pick up all my kiddos!!  We have only ordered takeout once and meal times have not resulted in meltdowns but rather some pretty good family time. So- the fourth time around: things have gone well. Answer to prayer. And this was a new experience for me. A proud moment for mommy...

Saturday, I got to hang out with my gorgeous girls and we baked all afternoon!

and got to use my cute new measuring spoons...

and wear my new apron....

Ending the time with a nail painting party. Colors of choice were pink and purple...not surprising. It is super fun to just chill with my girls...and it is exciting to me that this is only the beginning...

Last night we got a call around 4:30 from a friend of ours asking if we wanted her to come over and hang out with the kids and we could go out. All for that. So we got a night out...nothing planned but sometimes that is the best! Absolutely love date nights! And....I got to stand on our main floor where - in about a year - our kitchen will be. Super cool.

So onto another week. Something to look forward. To create memories. To hang out with family and friends. To love. To hope. To live in the moment.

And to end with. The reason I try to live in the moment. More specifically 5 reasons...

hope you had a wonderful Monday,


Monday, January 10, 2011


Recently, I have been thinking about how thankful I am for my marriage and how it impacts my life as a woman, mom, friend and ultimately wife. I would say that we work incredibly hard on our marriage, striving to make it better, to extend more grace & serve each other, to communicate better, and to love more. We do this by (not an exhaustive list by any means....) reading together, praying together, setting time aside to talk about important stuff, having dates both in home and out, and making time for yearly getaways (with lots of help from relatives  for watching the kids)! I share this with you because I truly believe giving my marriage priority, time & energy is worth it. Second to God, it is THE most important thing in my life. My kids see me loving my husband and know that they can be who God intended them to be when they have a safe, secure and loving environment in which to express themselves. This is beginning to sound a lot like I am a psychologist or something...ha! I am definitely not that BUT I do value my marriage and want to be an encouragement to others in their marriages. Marriage is awesome and I am honored and blessed to be able to live it with my best friend, for better or for worse...

So here is to marriage! 


Friday, January 7, 2011

He sets the lonely in families....

I absolutely love writing and this week, after 4 days at work (hence the break) I couldn't wait to get back to it. I could write and show pics of my kids forever but I would probably one of the only ones to stay interested! 

So...I feel that there is a unique opportunity to share our story and how we have been impacted by adoption and more globally, the orphan crisis in our world. What is to come are my thoughts, my experiences, my passions... I have been pondering for a while this quote:

"This commitment is born in the realization of the child 
needing a family more than the family needing a child."

It is from a director of an adoption agency, a person with years of experience...and the commitment they are talking about is that of choosing to grow a family through adoption, more specifically in this case international adoption. These words struck such a cord in me because as i have become a mom, now four times over - I  continue to realize it is less and less about me and more and more about giving our children a loving, faith filled, stable home in which to grow & be unconditionally loved before they get to experience the world and make a mark that is all their own. Every child deserves and NEEDS a family. I believe this with all my heart. 

Are all the orphans in our world going to get this? Maybe not - and it breaks my heart. 

Is adoption the only answer - absolutely not. It is one way that is an option for some children..AND there are so, so, so many waiting children in the world - waiting for a family because they are older children (usually 2+), part of a sibling group or have special needs. These children need and desperately want a family!!!!!! Families do however, come in all shapes and sizes and extended families are vital in so many parts of the world in providing this, where possible. 

Do I sit back and say I have done my part and continue living status quo? no. I am called to care for have a servant love. 

When we began this process, we knew without a shadow of a doubt that this is the path we were to take. We put our trust in Him. From what country, how to fund it and all the how to pieces were filled in later. Children need to be in families. And the commitment you step into with adoption is a big one. For some families, the waiting is excrutiatingly long, for some it is  a journey filled with heartbreak, for some it occurs quickly...but whatever the story -  the unwaivering & unending commitment is for one goal and one only. Children need to be in families. 

Psalm 68...a favorite verse of mine says...HE SETS THE LONELY IN FAMILIES

Friends of ours were over a couple of nights ago and asked if we would have more children through adoption and without taking a breath my husband (& I agree) said...absolutely. International adoption has been life changing for us. When...we don't exactly know. Why? Why not? We are blessed to have a family and would love to give another one a family!

This may seem like a random post but it has been on my mind forever..well it seems like forever. And if you are being nudged towards adoption, i hope this has been some help. If you are in the midst of process - I am praying for you!!! If you are being nudged towards orphan care..I have a few organizations that I could hook you up with that we support! And more than anything - pray for these children!!!! The number seems insurmountable (from 143-147 million orphans worldwide) but each of them are beautiful in His sight...
So to end, check this video out. One less broken heart in the world tonite.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas in pictures!!

Better late than never! Here is a bit of our Christmas in pictures...full of outside fun, toboganning, bowling, presents, church, time with family & friends - our first Christmas as a family of 6 was wonderful. Enjoy!
those eyes...

would live outside if allowed...

cookies decorating!

new morning

more presents!

with Grandpa's glasses..looks very professor like!

bowling night!

sweet girls with their dollies

1st Christmas before we knew him...a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.

2nd Christmas...first as our little man!

and just because I can't resist posting another family pic...thanks to my sister for the photo shoot!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

A year ago...

This was the announcement on my blog last year...what a joyful difference a year has made!!!! I amazed by God's perfect timing and His goodness...


Riley and I, along with Gabriella, Malachi & Eve, have some very exciting news we want to share with you. We will soon be a family of 6! Riley and I have chosen to expand our family through adoption and will, in the next year (hopefully), be blessed with a fourth child. We have told many of you already and thank you for the excitement, support and congratulations!
It has been a wonderful adventure so far, and know without a doubt that God has led us in this direction. I felt that it was important to share with you our story so far and why, after much prayer, we have chosen adoption. Throughout our marriage, we have seriously considered adoption and hoped that at some point this would come to fruition. In the past, one of us was always ready and the other not. This past October, Riley and I were at a leadership conference in Atlanta. Throughout the few days we were there, there was an encouragement by several of the speakers to consider adoption. Adoption as a way to give a child a family, to be blessed by that child and extend the grace and love of Christ in a practical way. At one point, Mac Powell (singer for 3rd day) was on stage and brought his wife and new son on to join him. He spoke about the gift of adoption and the gift that his new son was to him. What can only be described as a God moment came next - Riley and I knew in an instant that this is what God was asking us to do. With great excitement and anticipation, we committed to having our fourth child through adoption!
Now, if you know Riley and I, when we commit to something there is no going back. Even on that trip, we began the process of praying and researching adoption agencies, finding out procedures with Saskatchewan and Canada and beginning a to do list (my favorite thing to do!). On a side note, I have to say that I have been amazed and blessed by the leadership and willingness of Riley to do a lot of the leg work through this process thus far! It has grown my love for him to watch him parent our expectant child, even in these initial stages.
On returning home, we spent many late nights and many emails and phone calls, narrowing down the agency we would work with. We knew that we wanted to adopt internationally from Africa (another whole story on its own) but also knew that our options were limited. On speaking to some agencies, we found out the wait or some countries was up to 4 years. This was a little discouraging but also knew that we were committed. We came across a smaller agency based in Ontario that upon reading their website, we felt immediately encouraged by. It is a Christian based agency who works with several countries, but the one that stood out to us was South Africa.
After speaking with the director, we knew this was the direction we were going to take! So, we are adopting from South Africa, a child between the ages of 0-12 months! Then, the process we had to go through began. We were recommended (thanks Jen!) a wonderful home study practitioner who completed our home study in 5 weeks! All of our other dossier requirements were processed very quickly - reminding us to thank God even during the process. Our references (thankyou!) came in very quickly and thanks to all of Riley's computer wisdom, were were able to put together our personal profile, the final part of our dossier. We were hoping to have our part done by the end of December and it happened! Yay! Riley and I were talking one night and felt strongly that anything we could do on our end to make the process go faster, we would. We did not want our child to have to wait on us to complete our paperwork.
Now, we wait! Everything first goes to the Saskatchewan government, then to the agency and then to South Africa.
We know that God is in this process - we are trusting in Him as we navigate through all the details of adoption. We have been blessed to already meet two other couples of have gone through or are adopting from South Africa, further encouragement to us that God has all things in His hand.
If you would like to pray for us, we would gladly welcome it. Please pray for the baby whom we wait for, and the wait time for our family, especially the kids. Pray for strength for us as we see this process through - there are several different dimensions to adoption than with our first three children. Thanks for sharing in our story thus far. We feel absolutely blessed and thankful to have family, friends, and a church community who have been so supportive and excited for us. We will keep you updated as we find out more!
Blessings & Happy New Year,
Riley and Candra

I am still in awe that he is here and absolutely full of thanksgiving!!
Thank you for all of your prayers and support...2010 was truly incredible, becoming a family of 6.
 Happy New Year's 2011  to our little man, our blessing from above - to our Baby Africa!
hanging out in the land of snow...