Recently, I have been thinking about how thankful I am for my marriage and how it impacts my life as a woman, mom, friend and ultimately wife. I would say that we work incredibly hard on our marriage, striving to make it better, to extend more grace & serve each other, to communicate better, and to love more. We do this by (not an exhaustive list by any means....) reading together, praying together, setting time aside to talk about important stuff, having dates both in home and out, and making time for yearly getaways (with lots of help from relatives for watching the kids)! I share this with you because I truly believe giving my marriage priority, time & energy is worth it. Second to God, it is THE most important thing in my life. My kids see me loving my husband and know that they can be who God intended them to be when they have a safe, secure and loving environment in which to express themselves. This is beginning to sound a lot like I am a psychologist or something...ha! I am definitely not that BUT I do value my marriage and want to be an encouragement to others in their marriages. Marriage is awesome and I am honored and blessed to be able to live it with my best friend, for better or for worse...

So here is to marriage!
Great words Candra! I'd have to say "cheers" to marriage too! It just gets better as time goes by.