
Friday, January 7, 2011

He sets the lonely in families....

I absolutely love writing and this week, after 4 days at work (hence the break) I couldn't wait to get back to it. I could write and show pics of my kids forever but I would probably one of the only ones to stay interested! 

So...I feel that there is a unique opportunity to share our story and how we have been impacted by adoption and more globally, the orphan crisis in our world. What is to come are my thoughts, my experiences, my passions... I have been pondering for a while this quote:

"This commitment is born in the realization of the child 
needing a family more than the family needing a child."

It is from a director of an adoption agency, a person with years of experience...and the commitment they are talking about is that of choosing to grow a family through adoption, more specifically in this case international adoption. These words struck such a cord in me because as i have become a mom, now four times over - I  continue to realize it is less and less about me and more and more about giving our children a loving, faith filled, stable home in which to grow & be unconditionally loved before they get to experience the world and make a mark that is all their own. Every child deserves and NEEDS a family. I believe this with all my heart. 

Are all the orphans in our world going to get this? Maybe not - and it breaks my heart. 

Is adoption the only answer - absolutely not. It is one way that is an option for some children..AND there are so, so, so many waiting children in the world - waiting for a family because they are older children (usually 2+), part of a sibling group or have special needs. These children need and desperately want a family!!!!!! Families do however, come in all shapes and sizes and extended families are vital in so many parts of the world in providing this, where possible. 

Do I sit back and say I have done my part and continue living status quo? no. I am called to care for have a servant love. 

When we began this process, we knew without a shadow of a doubt that this is the path we were to take. We put our trust in Him. From what country, how to fund it and all the how to pieces were filled in later. Children need to be in families. And the commitment you step into with adoption is a big one. For some families, the waiting is excrutiatingly long, for some it is  a journey filled with heartbreak, for some it occurs quickly...but whatever the story -  the unwaivering & unending commitment is for one goal and one only. Children need to be in families. 

Psalm 68...a favorite verse of mine says...HE SETS THE LONELY IN FAMILIES

Friends of ours were over a couple of nights ago and asked if we would have more children through adoption and without taking a breath my husband (& I agree) said...absolutely. International adoption has been life changing for us. When...we don't exactly know. Why? Why not? We are blessed to have a family and would love to give another one a family!

This may seem like a random post but it has been on my mind forever..well it seems like forever. And if you are being nudged towards adoption, i hope this has been some help. If you are in the midst of process - I am praying for you!!! If you are being nudged towards orphan care..I have a few organizations that I could hook you up with that we support! And more than anything - pray for these children!!!! The number seems insurmountable (from 143-147 million orphans worldwide) but each of them are beautiful in His sight...
So to end, check this video out. One less broken heart in the world tonite.


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