
Saturday, April 9, 2011

A good reminder...and RUN143

Unexpected blessings amidst the routine, adventure and chaos of life are a reminder to me that God has all thing in his hands...even me. I just finished reading articles on Haiti and Japan and I sometimes wonder how, when so many people in our world are in the greatest despair, that God still knows my heart and He cares for me?

Today, I was not feeling great...stomach fluish. The kids had swimming lessons this morning and my husband had meetings so away I went with the kids. As we were waiting for my oldest's lesson to start, I hear little princess yell "DADDY" and off she went running. I turned around and there he was holding me a tea misto for me from my favorite coffee shop. Even though he was now late for his meeting.

unexpected blessing.

Last night my grandma called just to chat. It was so good to talk to her and hear how she is doing. And she always ends the conversation "Love you dear". It is good to be loved. It is amazing to have a grandma who I know prays for me.

This week, even though I wasn't supposed to know for another possible 2 weeks, I found out that I got my job so I am officially 4 days a week.

In the Psalms, it says "Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart". It doesn't say when or in how long, it doesn't say if he will give you ALL the desires of your heart but is does say that when you love Him, follow Him - that he will listen to your heart's cry. And this week, I made sure to look at how God was working through those around me - my husband, my grandma and my colleagues - and I know that He cares for me.

And in other news the website is up and running for the second annual RUN (ONE)43!! We are so excited to be able to support another family as the await the arrival of their support both local and international agencies that work with adoption and orphan care. And of course to raise awareness about orphan care.

there are over 143 million orphans worldwide and we want to bring awareness to this and help do something about it. 

So, check it out and won't you join us for a run????

I am tying up my shoes this week and starting. My husband and I will do the 3 days between the 2 of us and I am so looking forward to it!!! Can you tell!!!!!
If you want to help out in any way, let me know!

have a great weekend and know that He cares for you.




  1. Yippee!!! For running, for blessings, for jobs, for treats, for being loved and for unexpected realizations of how good life can be. You do so much and I am thrilled that you got a moment to bask in the unconditional love of God. (oh and I love you too)

  2. When are you going to do another post?!?!?! Now it's my turn to taunt you! Ha!
