
Friday, November 19, 2010


I don't know why things happen the way they do. Often, it seems that we are left with more questions than answers... In the journey of adoption, many parts of the process are out of the individual's control and then we are left with waiting. As South Africa (our son's incredible birth country) just passed a new act (July) that governs adoption, the referrals to families have been temporarily stopped while all parts/parties involved in the process fall in line with the new act. Add to that the World Cup and it has been a long wait for the children to join their families. Given our experience, I do know that the professionals involved  work tirelessly and advocate immensley for these children. They have been in my prayers alot too.
And, there is a a huge wait for the families that want to meet the new addition their family! I am sharing this as we personally know three couples and several others by blogging that continue to wait. And, I know that there are many other families in the same boat waiting for their children from other countries...So, today I sit praying that processes would be upheld and that the action coming out of them would come quickly- that these children would be able to be brought home to their families!
Love and blessings to all of you who are waiting...
We are praying for you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, that means a lot to us! Trust in Him, right?
