
Sunday, January 29, 2012

the week

this week has been, at least it seems, a very long one. it started with my parents being in helping (which was amazing) with the kids...
I am working full time til the end of march, which seemed like a good idea until appendix surgery for my husband. So even though things were likely not as crazy as they seemed in my head- most of the household chores became mine for a while! then on Thursday, a child took a gun to my kids school and it discharged in the child's backpack - no one was hurt. thankfully. But for my big girl, the trauma of it has thrown her for a loop and she has stuck pretty close to our sides this weekend. And finally this morning, I woke up with the stomach flu. I am praying it is a less than 24 hour thing and that it is the ned of our family's run in with sickness- not the beginning of round 2. The joy in it has to watch my older son take care of his brother this morning...he is so caring and patient with him. We just didn't think taking all 4 kids to church with a husband who is still recovering and has to lead service and preach was a good idea!

If there is a bright side to all of this, it is that I am learning to continually to trust deeper in God's provision of my life & the life of our family. I cannot do it on my own. But here is hoping I can hold down some water and pretzels and get outside to watch my kids toboggan. they have been looking forward to it all weekend!

Hope you are reminded of the provision that God has given you....



  1. Oh Candra! I didn't know that was at your kids scary. We were just talking about that at our school and all of our plans in place, it effects them so much though. Wishing you all peace and love!

    1. Thanks Rhonda- hope this week will settle down a bit!
