
Monday, January 23, 2012


“Following God’s call isn’t easy. He expects us to trust Him explicitly, and yet He doesn’t ask our advice on decisions that may impact us dramatically. He doesn’t tell us His specific plans at any given point in our lives. He doesn’t always shelter us from adversity. He tests our faith to produce endurance and spiritual maturity – tests that are sometimes painful. He makes some promises that we’ll never see fulfilled in this life.”

Can't remember where I got this quote from but it has been waiting in my draft box to post. This quote exactly quantifies what I have experienced and felt over the last almost 6 months. 6 months ago we decided to take a complete step of faith and follow God's call to move provinces. My husband has accepted a position as a Dean of students at a Bible College and we are excited about the opportunities that are ahead of us!

To get to this point hasn't been easy and many moments of each day are still not easy. in amidst this decision lies a lot of uncertainty and sadness -

Leaving the most amazing church we have had the privilege of being a part of!
Never getting to live in our dream house that we built for our ever expanding family(which you can pray will sell soon!)
Having to uproot our kids from their new school
Not being close to my parents and sister who now would live in the same area of the city as us
For me, I have the most amazing job as a pediatric physical therapist.
And a great group of friends that we have made over the last 13 years

So we have been asked over and over again if we should just stay. It seems to make more sense. And as much as we have had moments of questioning, when God calls you, you just know that you have to follow. And it isn't always supposed to make sense. The part of the quote that says that He doesn't shelter us from adversity has been especially true since we have made this decision...

My husband had emergency appendix surgery
My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
Two rounds of sickness
our van died and needed to be fixed
Our other van was stolen and totaled
Our house hasn't sold
Our adoption is still on hold
We don't have a house yet in our new city.
there is not a new pastor for our church yet

So what has God been teaching me through this season? These experiences and moments have tested me and my faith. I have been angry, sad, confused, and have asked many times why. But i have grown in my understanding of my faith and my relationship with Jesus. So here is what i have learned and am continuing to learn(with some that I will probably forget!)

1. That I need to give up control - this happens over and over again in a day and I need to be reminded that God is in control and will provide and lead me
2. that amidst the adversity and craziness of the season, there is and will continue to be joy and hope! we have had so many good times as a family complete with a family holiday ( more to come on that- it was a blast!)
3. to be thankful for the blessings in my life - I have the most incredible husband, four great kids who are happy ( mostly!) , great friends and we are all healthy and provided for
4. that He provides- not always how I think it should happen ( in fact almost never!)

For the last few weeks at my job, I have begun to tell the families that I will soon be done. Although I rarely talk about it, my job has been a wonderful ministry for me. I pray for these kids and their families that I work with, bring hope and joy to many of them (hopefully) and develop relationships! How cool is that? Anyways, after I told one of the families that I would soon be gone, the next appointment they brought me a gift - with the verse Jeremiah 29:11 on it. Because I had told them my husband was a pastor. Again, how cool is that? It has been on my desk ever since and had been running through my head before then.

"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God's call isn't easy. At least ours hasn't been. But he promises hope and a future. And I will keep holding onto that. Everyday.



1 comment:

  1. oh candra. even though it's only been a few short months, it's been great getting to know you a bit more. i pray for God's blessing and peace to rest on you through this season. i know you'll all be missed.
