
Friday, February 22, 2013

Another step completed!!!!!

On February 20th, the remaining documents were officially sent to our agency for review and our dossier is complete! We are so thankful that this part- our part- is finally complete. Now hopefully they accept all of our notorized documents- we had quite the meeting with the notary which is a story for another time! Our dossier now makes a tour of its own-first heading to our agency, then to the Ethiopian embassy in Toronto, back to the agency and then back to our province then to Ethiopia! We are praying that it does not get lost!

Reality has set in as it had for each of our other children. Whether by birth or through adoption there is a fleeting moment of "what did we just do"?!?! But the moments pass and I know that this is right and good. It will be hard- probably excrutiatingly sometimes- but right and good. Micah 6:8 comes to mind. So we celebrate! We are heading out for supper as a family this weekend. We are tracking our dossier through the mail.

And we are brainstorming for some fundraising ideas. We are trusting God on this one. Depending on how many children we are referred, expenses could look vastly different. So if you wouldn't mind praying with us that these things would be taken care of. And if you have ideas, or what has worked for you- we would love to here. We have about a 1/3 of the cost covered  so far for the maximum number of children we have requested- so God has been good. And we are thankful and continuing to trust in Him.

So here we go! We are hoping our dossier will be in country within the month and as we wait we will prepare- emotionally, mentally, financially & physically. We are excited and hopeful. As my little princess said this morning as she snuggled in bed with me "Momma, in my good dreams last night all our kids were home from Ethiopia". Amen to that.

provincial approval & original homestudy 

the rest of the necessary papers out of our hands!!!


  1. Wow. This is all so exciting.

    But the more I read about your journey, the more I am overwhelmed realizing how little i know & understand about the process involved with international adoption. I can't believe your dossier has to go to so many places!

  2. Very exciting, thanks for sharing your journey. What's the maximum number of children you have requested? In order for you to adopt more than one child at a time do they have to be biological siblings?
