life has seemed rather hectic these last few days. But tonight I have had some time to reflect. I find it so much easier to do this when everything is taken care of in the house. And tonite it is...My husband surprised me and got a one time top-to-bottom houseclean today and it is so so good. It is one thing (I will admit!) that gets put to the bottom of the list. I am a good tidier...a thorough housecleaner - not so much. I guess I did not get those genetics as my mom & grandma are/were amazing at this! Anyways, it is peaceful and I was reminded that
God is good. Amidst all the seemingly craziness there have been many, many, good things this week. And I thank God.
I thank God that I got to take my kids to the zoo! It was a last minute decision and it was awesome!!! WE had a great time seeing all the animals, riding the train and playing at the playground!

I am thankful for quite moments with our family...reflecting on the beauty that God has placed all around us! And I am thankful that my kids have a daddy that takes them off the beaten path to explore. They were so excited to be "hiking"! |
I thank God for his goodness through my daughter, who just turned 8!! Wow. We celebrated with a teaparty with her choice - blueberry cheesecake! And she was shocked to receive Kanani - her newest doll. And 30 degrees for her party - can't beat that!
teaparty fun - decorating cookies, nail painting, making jewelry! |
nails done!! |
Happy Birthday #8!! |
with Kanani |
I thank God for education and a new school for the kids. The started this week at a new school. I am praying ferverently that Both kids, but particularly our oldest, will find good, quality friends. This is hard, espcially for one who likes to watch and observe first....I know He has all things in His hands but sometimes a momma's heart just want to move things along!
And as for this guy, he has had a great a class of 28 kids (yikes) of which 18 are boys (doulble yikes!!) He thinks it is awesome!
i don't think I am old enough for this!!! |
first day of school!!! Oh how little princess wishes she was 5! |
I thank God for opportunities. Our house build is an incredible opportunity. We have been humbled to be in this situation - to build a house, to gain a bit more space and to be able to have the space to expand our family! Basement was poured today and siding is over 1/2 way! Soon I have to start actually helping with choosing things.....
 | it!! |
I Thank God for his stirrings and His leading....
For those of you who read this blog, you know that my heart is for orphans in our world and for adoption of these little ones. I am praying through how this may become more tangible in my own life. Hopefully a missions opportunity in the nearer future?? Any others interested?!? I am reading "Father for the Fatherless" right now, which as been an incredible read thus far.
I Thank God for our 5th child....
I know I haven't written a lot on this blog about our next child, but I will soon, I promise. I have been feeling more of an urge the last few days to bring this child home. Right now, that is not possible. Many things have to come into place with processes and governments (policy & procedure). If you would, pray with me that these fall into place, and be honorable and just, and that many children would be able to join their families. I know there is a child that God has to join our family. And He loves him/her more than anything...and so we place our trust in that promise. "I will never leave you or forsake you".
Thanks for listening/ reading. It has been a good night. And I am thankful.