
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beautiful. Crazy. Change.

It seems that at least in my life, I never really get the opportunity to plan what my life is going to look like.  Every time I think that I am going into a season of relative stability, I get to hop back on the roller coaster for another beautiful crazy life experience. And one thing is for sure...I do love roller coasters. Especially Six flags in California!  However, even though I am a person who is content with change, I like and may even thrive when I have stability and routine. I like the change of pace but sometimes miss consistency. It is funny that I am even admittig to this, as living with 4 kids age 7 and under seems to contradict this statement almost immediately- consistency, change, stability (foreign concepts some days in our house!) So, in light of this, this last year has been a little bit like the Tatsu (the most amazing roller coaster I have ever been on!)...up down and all over the place. But it has been a blast and I have been able to carve out some routines amidst it all.

We have begun building a house for our ever expanding family. This is by far one of the larger risks we have taken in our married life, but dreaming about the future, with teenagers, with grandkids (a crazy thought in itself!), a place to hang out with friends, a place to host people - every moment will be worth it.

Starting back to work was another huge change this year...but it has been great. I have been blessed with a husband who supports my desire to work. I have 4 kids who love school and daycare. And I have gotten back to list making and menu planning which I love.  Like I mentioned, I love routine and this is where I get it. 8-4, four days a week.  I love the kids and famlies I work with. I love the other PT's that I get to work with. It is truly one of my passions. It has also taught me about priorities and boundaries and having to be disiplined with them. Since I have gone back to work, I exercise more. I eat better. I am more intentional with my time. I clean and worry about the house less (maybe not a great thing but learning to let go of some of the control). I have learned to trust and rely on God more.

So the last piece of the post is probably going to be new information for most of you. Over the past year, basically since we were last in the birth counry of little man... we have known that we were not done having a family. The minute we laid eyes on our youngest (or if I am honest probably before!), we knew that God was calling us to adopt again - to add a fifth child to our family.  So here we are, getting ready to welcome our 5th child! All I will say at this point is that we are in the process and are looking forward to sharing more in the future. We are excited about all that God has ahead for our family....

In sharing all of this, I wanted to encourage -  maybe somebody - that although in the moment change can look daunting amidst the comfort of stability...the results can truly be life changing.  It is an often used bible verse, but in Matthew it says...

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

It is so easy for me to worry about the changes in my lfe, especially when I am not in control of it all. All the things I shared with you, we decided to step into them...but have certainly not felt in control of all the details that have come along with the decisions. It is such an encouragement to read that God cares about our lives more than we can ever imagine.  When I stop to recognize this and live in its reality, it becomes a beautiful & crazy experience all tied together as I move through the always present moments of change.



  1. Congratulations! That's incredible! Can't wait to hear all the details!

  2. Looking forward to hearing more about #5!!

  3. Yippeee (but you already knew that)!!! xo

  4. Blessings in your changes to come!! Exciting!

  5. Congrats you guys- awesomely wonderful... and inevitable ;)

  6. Congratulations to your whole family! Very exciting!

  7. Congrats on your ever expanding family!
