
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

answered prayer & the state of my heart...

I wanted to update you all on how things have been going around here, more specifically about our prayer requests that we shared a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully to be an encouragement and a example of God's provision! So here is how God has been working in our lives, amidst the quick speed that life seems to be travelling at these days...

...we have been shown some unexpected financial blessings by several people over the last several weeks. There really are no words to express the gratitude that we have - God has been showing me that He is control of this roller coaster and He doesn't forget about the tangibles...

And on a side note, the generosity (more than just the financial) that the we show and give to each other is such a beautiful expression of being in community and "having each other's backs"!! Cool story - I had a friend plan a pie auction to raise money for her friend's family who is heading to Costa Rica (i think that is the right country!) to work on a water project. And God showed up big time with the event raising more than 15 times what they were expecting!!! And the love the family probably felt cannot even be measured...Stories like this need to be celebrated - that a friend who wanted to be generous put it into action and did something and that love was poured out on the family who was going.... parents have graciously and amazingly offered to take care of our 4 kids whenever we get the call to head over to Ethiopia. This is a big deal as is - but adding that my dad is single handedly building a house right now and my mom is willing to take on insulin pump care for our son is very cool. We love them a tonne:) Sacrificial generosity and an answer to prayer.... friends of ours are coming out to help with renos to our house, as are my parents,(necessary ones like a laundry room- 7 kids and laundry in a walk through pantry is not big enough) and our friends
are coming with their kids...taking vacation to come help us! And we are going to have a blast! hopefully we are right on when we will be travelling so we will be around....:) Prayer answered...

...we found AND bought a vehicle to fit our family with room to spare! And the kids are thrilled! It was the right price with low km (so hopefully will last a long time). Praise God.

If anyone knows anyone who would like to buy a 2007 4 door silver Honda Civic, we have one for sale! When it doesn't fit more than half your is time to part with it! 

very happy kids & LOTS of space

And personally God has been working on my heart. The state of my heart. If there is one thing that gets me anxious or worried, it is money and finances. We have worked really hard over the last few years to keep a stable and budget and to not accumulate debt. So the past has taught me that there is always enough, more than enough.
Even though we know very well the reality of the costs of adoption and understand that we chose this, anxiety ever so quietly creeps into my thoughts and invades my life.  And it shouldn't. It gets in the way of the celebration of God's goodness! God surprised us quickly with a referral for three boys, which means more costs related to their files and to get them home (flights etc.). And then the whole process keeps coming pretty fast!!! Really fast!!!
All of this back story to say that God is working on the state of my heart- to not be anxious or worry but in present my requests to Him. He calls me to live sacrificially and in this situation it reminds me that I cannot and am not in control of each moment of my life. He is teaching me that I need to continually work on the state of my heart. To be thankful. To love big. To be generous. To ask for help from Him. To accept help when offered. And not to worry about tomorrow. And to pray and ask for prayer. I just need to look at the list of answered prayer above to be reminded of all this!

Thanks for walking this journey with us...


1 comment:

  1. My son came in as I was reading this and saw the picture of the van and said, "Wow, that's a really big van for 2 kids!" I then explained the story of your family and he then said, "That would be a super fun family to live in, you'd have your own baseball team, that would be awesome!" :)

    So great to see the details coming together...may his peace fill your hearts!

    6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7
