
Friday, November 25, 2011

100th post and thoughts on distraction...

As I was getting ready to write this, I realized that this is my 100th post on the new/revised blog! wow....

Anyways, I have been thinking lately how easy it is for life to get in the way - to be distracted by it rather than living it. I now this sounds sort of crazy but stay awhile and I will elaborate!
If I think about everything that is in our life right now - marriage, 4 kids under age of 8, church community friends, working, school, soccer, ballet, building a house, living in a rental, moving church locations, reading and learning about adopting an older child and of course, waiting for the next little one to arrive - life can seem fairly unmanageable at times. And I am sure your lists of what life entails are just as long if not longer.!! So lately my time with God, with my husband, with my kids and with friends has been stretched thin - cause I get sucked in. Distracted.  Distracted by all that needs doing (which by the way, always seems not include laundry - if anyone has any miracle ideas of how to keep on top of laundry, please let me know!)

But life is not all about what needs doing. I get distracted by the tasks. And tonight as I went through pictures, as I played Playdough with my princess and Wii with my son as I watched my kids play together in the living room and do gymnastics  &  as I talked for a few quiet moments with my husband ..... I was reminded that I need to be intentional with my time. And also my thoughts. That to be living life - I need to enjoy my days, to get into the Bible, to carve out time with my man, to say YES to my kids! To find Skype & phone dates with my best friend, to go for coffee with more great friends. To slow down and decide what is important and what can wait a few days (laundry is definitely on the wait a few days list!!)

So to end this thought, here are some pics of things I that made me pause and smile tonite....

candy! Which is now all gone...

LOVING snow!
Too bad is it supposed to be 12 degrees celcius and we just bought sleds! 

my and my sisters...and one very sweet little prince!

And remembering some amazing times from last year at this time...
Love you a tonne my amazing friend!! 

Have a wonderful evening everyone and enjoy the weekend ( & first Sunday of Advent!)!


1 comment:

  1. Love the post and the pics. So thrilled to see you in 3 weeks! xo
