
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Shift in direction

I have been rather non existent on my blog over the last while. And there is reason for it. This has been a year of change, -  of really hard things in our family, of beginning of healing, of anger, of grief, of sadness, of joy, of taking steps forward and some back, of learning more about myself than I really wanted to, of forgiveness, of redemption and of moving forward. 

Because that is how we create more change. 
We move forward with more hope and continued conversations.  

Through my writing, the goal has always been to ultimately to draw more people into His story through our stories. To create a safe space where we can walk together with shared experiences. So I am changing this space a little. I  have a few things that have “accidentally” or maybe not so accidental, that have landed in my life that I now am compelled to lend my voice to. Because Christ’s love compels us to walk with each other, encourage each other and LOVE.  

So please bear with me as I change my focus slightly…and hopefully along the way my story will help or in some way encourage you in your story. 

Welcome to “Accidental Advocate”.

Over the last while, I have had this idea for my blog simmering in my head. But I have pushed it aside…with the lots of thoughts like “why would anyone care?” “I am just but one person” “I need to focus just on my own family” It has been relatively easy to turn inward but the nudging has not left. In fact, it has continued to grow. Advocacy has become intertwined with my very being of who I am. In its very basic definition, it is a “person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy”. 

So over the next few days, I will introduce you to me. What I am passionate about. What drives me. What I advocate for. What continues to compel me forward. And I hope that through this, you to will begin to find and lend your voice to things after God’s heart, ideas and opportunities that you are passionate about - things that compel you to keep moving and to love. 

Thanks for joining me on this journey - looking forward to hearing your stories as we all move forward....

"For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all..." 2 Corinthinans 5:14


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing your heart! - new international adoptive mama from Manitoba
