
Friday, April 26, 2013

Moving forward

We have exciting news to share with all of you...

We are going to be parents again -

not once

not twice

but three times over!

Early this week we received a referral for 3 boys from Ethiopia and have accepted the referral!
Their ages are 9, 6 and 5 and they are absolutely beautiful children.

Many people have been asking how I have been feeling - and it is a mix of peace (knowing that we continue to be obedient to God's calling), fear ( i mean - 5 boys....crazy!!:)), thankfulness, humbled (that we are privileged to get to be a part of their stories and unconditional love towards them already (for those of you adoptive mommas, this is just a surreal experience isn't it).

And it wouldn't be complete if I wasn't already making plans, organizing etc. I love planing & organizing:) We have a lot to do before they come home- home renos, get bedrooms ready, figure out a plan for the remaining finances, get Riley's knee better, organize our lives and create more systems for our home. And continue leaning hard into God and drawing closer to Him.

We would love your prayers for the above mentioned things and thanks for those of you already who have expressed your support. We could not do this without community and we love all of you who are a part of it.

We as a family enjoy momentum. Moving forward. We are very aware that it is easy to become complacent and comfortable without relying on God, to become satisfied with things of this world and not risk for His sake.

So we move forward. As a family of 9 (wow- I love it!). And risk for His sake as we pursue God's call for our lives.

I am a mom of 7. awesome.


ps. by way of info - we now await a court date which will hopefully be in 3-4 months (we are praying for July as court is closed in August). At this time, they will become legally part of our family. Then we wait another 3-4 months for their Canadian citizenship to be processed. We are praying that by Christmas they will be home!!!Not that it is great time for 3 Ethiopian kids- may need to get them 2 snowsuits each just to keep warm:)


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Praying for all of you!

  2. Wow, what an exciting time - thanks for sharing it with us! Many blassings as you move ahead.

  3. That's amazing - congratulations! Blessings in all the preparations!

  4. Loved reading this. We are thrilled for you and our ever growing family! The three boys and of course, all the rest of ya, are in our prayers. Can't wait to meet the new nephews! Lot's of love. xo

  5. I love this!!!!! Can you email me?

  6. Found your blog through Bekah's... Congratulations! A sibling group of three, wow! Please come share on the Canadian Ethiopian Adoption yahoo group... We've been trying to figure out who got the referrals this month! ;)

  7. Congrats!! 3 boys!! We just brought our son home from Ethiopia 4 months ago, he was from Abenezer! Where are your 3 located? I might have seen them if they were at the same place!
    feel free to email,


  8. Congratulations again. I think about you guys and your referral all of the time. I am so excited to watch the rest of this process unfold and to watch you guys become a family of 9. Amazing.
