
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Learning - A Series....part 1

As we were driving home from our first Christmas Adventure, I was contemplating the year we have had. It has been a year of unexpected turns,enduring hardships & many crazy occurrences. We have embraced a summer of camping, selling of our build, buying a beautiful home, new friends, new community and new opportunities. We have seen God's hand at work as He has prepared the way for us, gently guiding, comforting, and providing. And we have become closer as as family as we have responded to his voice and leading both in ministry and adoption. So at the end of 2012, I can honestly say it has all been worth it. God is good and He is faithful. Riley had felt from the very beginning of this journey (back in 2011) that he felt this would be from " strength to strength" and it has.
So to close 2012, I wanted to share with you 5 things that I have learned through this year. Each one will be a different post as there is too much to share in just one. So grab a tea, fins a comfy chair and join me as I share What God has been up to in my life.

Taking risks is way better than not. 

 Let me first say, that this is my husband's natural state and for this I am Very thankful. God has graciously allowed me to grow into risk taking, and this year was no exception. I have to say that the decision and the time leading up to the decision to move our family to another city, province and join another ministry was a huge risk for me. 
On paper, the pros far outweighed the cons for staying. And I fought it tooth and nail for a good 6 weeks. But the moment Riley share with me that he had received the call, I knew. That still small voice ( AKA the Holy Spirit) that said it was time to risk. To make a move. And when we made the decision and took the risk we leaned hard into God's faithfulness and provision. There were numerous things that happened that we kept asking why ( vehicles stolen, emergency surgery, failed offers on our home, etc.) but we kept going. And it was worth it. I know without a doubt that this is where God wants us for this time. 
I also learned the value of taking a risk with our adoption. As you know from previous posts, we are in the midst of another adoption of a sibling group (2-3 kids). When we first prayed about this possibility in August, I was unsure as that is a lot of additional people in the family! But again, that still small voice kept nudging me...against my doubts of finances, the 'stigma' of being a large family, how I could have enough time for that many children, and many more....We knew it was more than us just wanting this but that another call had been placed upon our lives. And taking the risk was a great move. We have so much support from our social worker & our new community, both of which were unknowns when we decided to go for it. and now, as we await 2013, we look forward to hopefully knowing and meeting the children that God has for our family.

Taking a risk & responding to God's call has given me new perspective and allowed me to be reminded of my priorities. Following hard after God (even when it is seemingly the toughest thing ever) is far more life giving than living in relative comfort and perceived contentment. I have learned more about God, myself, my marriage and my children through stepping into the risk and I am forever grateful for it. Hopefully it will prove to also be a reminder in the future as well!!! 


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